Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another "Better ManThan Most"

I might have to make the "Better Man Than Most" a regular feature here. After relaying to you the story of LCDR Krissoff, MC, I have run across another amazing tale of a doctor that has answered his country's call yet again.

LTCOL John Burson (USAR Ret.), a 74-year-old retired ear, nose and throat specialist, recently finished a weeklong training course at Fort Benning in preparation for deployment as a field surgeon in Afghanistan. He has already served 2 tours in Iraq where he had a very unusual patient: Saddam Hussein.

a big old BZ goes out to the good doctor for his willingness to keep serving our troops well past the time most others hang it up.

I particularly love that SE grin he has in the picture. The paratroopers will love this guy.

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